Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Titanosaurus 1998, as a mutated basilisk lizard. Again, mutated due to atomic testing in French Polynesia ala American Godzilla 1998, as well as my takes on American Baragon and Anguirus.
Why were so many varied species of lizard located on French Polynesia? In a world where radiation can turn animals into giant superbeasts, maybe they French where experimenting with mutation. Maybe they had a think tank on the islands that included studying alternate forms of energy and a reptile house of exotic reptiles, and the two meeting was an accident. Who knows?
Anyways, Titanosaurus migrates to the waters off the coasts of India and Japan, decreasing fish populations and spooking ships, creating a rumor of "a giant goldfish" attacking fishing ships. Designed to be an analog of Godzilla, with a bit more hadrosaur elements.

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